Monday, April 4, 2011

Kamen Rider time

This is indeed an unplanned buy... huhu but since Time Machine in Times Square is relocating to another venue. Thus, i told my friend who went to KL to survey things. And instead of just surveying. He bought me these and of course i have to pay him back. No problem hoho. More SHFs...

But first just an idea of what is happening to Time Machine Times Square, i am going to miss this shop=( i mean the ortiginal location lots of memories there=( oh well gotta move on though and here is the link...

and i begin my sudden post hehe





i am putting just the box pics as the lighting condition does not favor me at the moment=s

till the next post hehe


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About me

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i love gundams and i dont have much time to even assemble them and i love to buy them hahaha=) and i also dont do any customization (painting etc) to my gundams as i like them as they are=)

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