Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finally i got my drossel=)


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thanks to Chubbybots for Photoscape llesson=p

Chubbybots: i immediately follow your guide to this pic of mine haha thanks so of course not as good as yours but surely reignites my interest to take pictures of my own models and edit them hehe

Yotsuba with RX-78 2 beam rifle!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

somethat that i want


Yotsuba and !!!..... (Drossel Figma) coming soon next week hehe


Saturday, January 2, 2010

test with a good background

this is my attempt to try and test taking pics in another background other than my desk hehe it was hot so i just took a few and i will just put one here

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New year 2010

i will surely manage my blog layout shortly so it looks more presentable hehe and here are my latest pics and the Blaze Zaku Phanthom is the first Gundam i assembled in 2010=)

and this guy always looks nice to me=)

My TT Hongli Nu Gundam it is rather nice in terms of looks but a pain in assembling it=p BANDAI rules!!!

another TT hongli i happen to have is stargazer.. still i love bandai i bought tt hongli just for testing and will always stick to bandai because of superior quality

am i right unicorn=) oh i just love thing MS=)

About me

My photo
i love gundams and i dont have much time to even assemble them and i love to buy them hahaha=) and i also dont do any customization (painting etc) to my gundams as i like them as they are=)

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